WynneCRE | Orange County Commercial Real Estate Experts

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No Vacancy In San Clemente


For the first time since the completion of construction in San Clemente, there are no current vacant availabilities in either the Rancho San Clemente or Talega business parks.

This has never happened before.

The few properties that are still showing up on the public listing services are in escrow, under lease contract negotiation, or simply old and waiting to be removed.

As of today, every single industrial space is accounted for, with someone already occupying or in the process of completing the paperwork to occupy.

I can't believe this is where we are now. A year ago the apocalyptic predictions were that every business property would be vacant, with unwanted property languishing for maybe years before business bounced back.

This has created the opposite, and unforeseen, problem. Many companies are seeing astronomical growth but there are no active listings in the area and they feel like they have no options.

Here's how it affects you:
Recently one of my clients was notified their landlord sold the property, and that my client only had 60 days to move.

With nowhere available to go and visions of his hugely successful business coming to an instant halt, panic mode started to set in.

When I learned about his predicament, I knew the only choice right now was to get creative. We needed to address the immediate need to move, while also figuring out how to set him up for long-term success with real estate that was big enough for his company.

Using our extensive contact records, marketing skillset, and property database, we designed a two-step solution that kept him in business full-steam ahead. We got him into a space on a short-term sublease basis with an occupant who had extra space but their lease hadn't expired yet. This allowed our client to move out quickly before his old landlord's property closed escrow.

Simultaneously, our team also negotiated a multi-year lease on a second, separate, location that wouldn't start until later in the year. By signing both deals at once, our client was able to fix his immediate problem in this insanely tight market, while also finding the perfect building for their high-volume shipping requirements for the next several years.

What to do:
If you think you may have any upcoming change with your real estate needs, even if it's several months out but you are starting to consider your options, don't delay by even one more day. Let's connect today to ensure there will be time to get a plan in place. The people who try to do this by themselves are going to be waiting and waiting, missing out on off-market opportunities and wasting their time driving around calling signs and scouring already-old properties on LoopNet. Don't be one of them!

Send me a quick email, leave a comment below, or call me at 949-374-2052 if you think anything might change with your property in the next 6 months. We can meet at my office on El Camino Real, chat on Zoom, or I can swing by your location. I'm glad business is booming and want to see you set up for continued success in this current No Vacancy market.

-Jim Wynne