Critical Business Resources for Coronavirus Crisis (COVID-19) - CALIFORNIA EDITION

Critical Business Resources for Coronavirus Crisis (COVID-19) - CALIFORNIA EDITION

As a small means of hope in these troubling times, we have curated and prepared a list of business resources with potential means of relief for those whose economic enterprises are in danger because of the Coronavirus pandemic (which seems to be an exponentially growing number of people every new day).

Service industry businesses have been obliterated essentially overnight, with the ripple to all businesses not far behind.

YOU ARE NOT ALONE IN THIS BATTLE. This is an issue affecting a huge portion of our business communities. Several of our South Orange County clients have reached out to us in various degrees of distress. We will get through this together.

We have prepared the below resources in an effort to assist those affected by the current situation. In this list of options, there are several opportunities that will allow business owners and individuals additional income support, deferment options, and tax relief in the coming days and weeks ahead.

The available help is tiered starting from each counties’ local government, stretching up to State and Federal aid opportunities. 

We all are hoping to see a quick and safe resolution to this global situation, and are available to assist in any way we can.

The Employment Development Department said it is ready to help you weather the effects of the coronavirus through:

·       Unemployment Insurance

·       Paid Family & Medical Leave

·       Work Sharing Program

·       Rapid Responsive for Small Businesses

·       Disaster Loan Assistance for small businesses

California is responding to the spread of a respiratory illness caused by a new coronavirus (COVID-19). While investigations to learn more about the virus are ongoing, workers and employers should review their health and safety procedures to help prevent exposure to the virus. The EDD provides a variety of support services to individuals affected by COVID-19 in California. For faster and more convenient access to those services, we encourage the use of the above links or visit the EDD online options.

Benefits summary for workers impacted by COVID-19

·       Disability Insurance - Short-term benefit payments to eligible workers who have a full or partial loss of wages due to a non-work-related illness, injury, or pregnancy.

·       Paid Family Leave - Up to six weeks of benefit payments to eligible workers who have a full or partial loss of wages because they need time off work to care for a seriously ill family member.

·       Unemployment Insurance - Partial wage replacement benefit payments to workers who lose their job or have their hours reduced, through no fault of their own.

·       Paid Sick Leave - The leave you have accumulated or your employer has provided to you under the Paid Sick Leave law.

·       Workers’ Compensation - Benefits include temporary disability (TD) payments, which begin when your doctor says you can’t do your usual work for more than three days or you are hospitalized overnight. You may be entitled to TD for up to 104 weeks. TD stops when either you return to work, your doctor releases you for work, or your doctor says your illness has improved as much as it’s going to.

Additional resource links:

 Below is a PDF of the above information:

Let us know how we can help you via the comments below or by email at Stay safe and healthy.